Job vacancies

Do you have questions about your desired position, your direct entry or about training and dual studies? Our personnel staff will be happy to help you. You will find the contact details of the responsible contact person in our job openings.

Unsolicited application

If you have not found a position among our vacancies, please send us an unsolicited application with proper application documents.

Your Employer - Career at Elring

Around 10,000 employees, 45 sites worldwide, over EUR 1.6 billion in sales revenue for fiscal year 2021. These figures speak for themselves. What is more, the staff turnover rate at ElringKlinger AG is very low indeed. Our employees enjoy working here, fully identify with the company and recognize the career opportunities presented to them by a global player such as ElringKlinger. Many of our employees are now celebrating their 25th or even 40th anniversary at the company. You could be one of them.

We look forward to receiving your application.


Everything you need to know about training, studies, careers and working at ElringKlinger.



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